Come on in!

Come on in!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Holy crap!

So I was just looking around and I found the creepiest site.  It is a collection of older advertisements that are so weird, some hilarious, some scary and some that really make you question everyone who says each generation is crazier....I beg to differ!!!!!!  You HAVE to check this out! 
Go here:   

This time of the year...

I love this time of the year!  There's so much to love.  September is always a good month.  Sean says he always has one day of the year that he remembers most-last year it was September 15th.  He remembers it for the way it feels, smells he says it feels "perfect" to him.   I wonder what his favorite day will be like this year?
    Today actually, is Ofi's birthday!  We don't know the day for sure, but we got him last year on Oct. 16th, and he was about 6 weeks old, so we say his birthday is Sept. 11, so it makes it easy for us to remember...  He is 1 year old!  What a big 1 year old.  Since we are not sure how old Buda really is, (the Vet guesses he is around 3) we say his birthday is April 11th, to match Sean's.  Anyways, today is a good day, football, Saturday, soda, dogs, music and September.  Happy Birthday Ofi!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Sean and I decided to get out, be active and check out Moundville Archaeological park this weekend.  Weather was nice, and I think we wanted to feel nature, old and new.  The park was pretty neat, we learned a lot about the tribes that inhabited the area, they are all combined to be called the Mississipians.  Moundville was used over many years from all tribes around the south-(Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole, etc).  After we explored the mounds we found nature trail that led us to the Black Warrior River.  We played and climbed a tree(both got a little scared) before heading back.  We started talking about how we wished we lived within tribes and which tribes we would want to be in.  My parents both say my grandmothers are/were 1/4 Cherokee, how neat-but I wish I could know more about what my ancestors were like..maybe I can find out! I feel like living as these guys did, depending solely on nature sounds so tempting and easy and wonderful, but I bet it would be harder to do it now that we have lived like we have for so long...

Somethings just don't go away easily

Do you ever wish something could just go away and never come back? I know that may not always be the most mature thing to do, and handling hard situations is how we grow, I get all that...and I agree and get thru those times...but there are other times that I have been dealing with a huge mess and I have done what I could, to the best of my abilities and I keep having it thrown in my face..again and again.  I think the key is for one to be able to "let things go."  If you have a friendship that just doesn't work anymore, or you have a falling out, you just have to let it go and move on.  I've let it go... Focus on the good.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


In the hollows your shadows creep
The light is mistaken for hope of release
It is here, I watch you pace back and forth
I can see you have changed; body and mind
Your thoughts have grown crooked along with your spine
My eyes fear what you have become
My heart trembles for I am the one
I created this monster creeping about
I had to leave you. I had to back out.

I wrote this a about a year and a half ago, and man it is scary how much I can relate to it now more than I did before!  I love honesty that hides in writing.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kind of sad today.

I don't like to make anyone sad.  Who does?  But when I know I have, and I know that I was right...I still have this internal battle that I want to apologize but I know I shouldn't.  I have to keep telling myself that.  Does anyone else struggle with that?  
School starts back tomorrow.  I actually got the schedule done, but I am not finished with data sheets, but I guess I will do this at night this week.  blahbity blah.  I was going to write something more interesting tonight, but I think I am blocked.  I should probably just sleep.  Have a good night!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I want to try!

      So I felt like I should give this a try.  I'm not sure why, and I may not be able to keep it up, but I thought, oh what the heck!  Maybe I will even have a friend who will read it!  I don't really have anything that cool to write about, haha.  So I guess I will just write and see what comes to mind.
      So school just started back.  I should actually be working on things but I just haven't started yet.  This year is going to be different than previous years (2).  I will tell you later if I like it or not :).  I already miss the kids I had last year.  I put some pictures up of them in the office so I could see them. 
      Here's my question for the day.  Aristotle said, "Hope is a waking dream."  So what does that mean to different people?  I would like to know.  To me, I think that it means dreams can be forgotten, or they can be planted in your thoughts and you never forget them, so it is your choice where to put that hope and either do something about it, or just let it go.  Tell me what you think.  
      See ya!